Person Centered Planning
The Basics
Person Centered Planning expands the power people have to choose life experiences that make sense to them.
I developed Personal Futures Planning as one approach for discovering people’s core gifts so they can co-create a lifestyle of valued experiences and belonging. This method is associated with artful recording of relationships, neighborhoods, preferences, choices, hopes and dreams that can reveal a trove of possibilities for expanding and creating new life-giving experiences.
Person-centered planners listen deeply to animate the search for a desirable future and activate change in organizations. Stories available here illustrate the process and potential of creating brighter futures using person-centered planning.

Person-Centered Planning
This is the original handbook of values, ideals, and methods for facilitators of Personal Futures Plan. It outlines the five assumptions of person-centered planning, the five valued experiences that guide the development of a personal vision, and the six tasks and related tools of Personal Futures Planning. The book includes sample formats, illustrations, and instructions.
Life Building - Opening Windows to Change
This workbook is designed for people with disabilities, their families, and their support circle members. Using it, readers will “build a life” plan using worksheets, guidelines, and detailed examples. Each chapter outlines a reflection task that corresponds with the six tasks and tools described in Person-Centered Planning Facilitator Manual. Real stories of change inspire readers and illustrate the process.

Imaginative Journey Cards Deck
This is a deck of deep wisdom – 26 beautifully crafted pieces of art – quits done by Beth Mount – carefully organized to be utilized as individual ‘exercises’ or a collection of tested processes that can be used by an individual – or a group. Each card has a brief reading – and a proposal for a reflection exercise.
Personal Futures Planning Video
Beth Mount describes some basic elements of Personal Futures Planning, a process designed to make visible the patterns that reveal who people are when they are at their best, conditions that don’t work, and capacity themes. Through careful listening, we “find the keys” to building a better life. Beth identifies four ways to strengthen the conditions that bring forth possibility:
1. finding the gifts in each person
2. building relationships of commitment
3. asking for more from organizations
4. finding assets and openings in local communities…places where people can thrive.
This short video is part of the Making the Invisible Visible podcast produced by David Hasbury as part of the Recreating Us audio recordings.