Learning Institutes
In 2007, Beth and colleagues, John O’Brien, Hanns Meissner, and Chris Liuzzo, began organizational learning institutes in New York State to bring together teams from provider agencies who wanted to increase their commitment to individualized supports. Since that first workshop, about 80 of these learning institutes have been hosted with Theory U as a heartbeat. A broad collection of resources related to these many Learning Institutes can be found at Inclusion Press . These are some of the materials that guide our work.

Discovering What More is Possible: Leadership in Person Centered Planning Orientation
A Learning Institute supports the implementation of The Community Rule. This medicaid rule challenges providers of services to think about, plan and deliver supports in person-centered ways. This resource guides people through six stages of a learning journey to strengthen and practice leadership in discovering what more is possible for people we support and our organizations.
Cultivating Capacity
The Learning Institute FieldBook includes exercises that are tailored to support organizational design teams to practice exercises together as they work toward innovations in individualized supports.
Sharing Our Stories

Stories play an important role in transforming organizations. Telling stories provides a way to gather, organize, and share learning. Stories can bring values like inclusion to life and provide examples to learn from. Stories build desire to discover what more is possible, inspire stepping into the tensions that define a transforming organization, and guide and encourage leadership. This workbook was developed in collaboration with ten New York State Providers who shared stories of change looking back over ten years of working toward individualized supports.