Direct Support Creativity
For many people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, exploring possibilities for growth and contribution to community life, relies on the creativity of the people who accompany and support them in their daily lives. Direct Support Workers are profoundly important, and honoring and supporting their creativity is essential.

Make a Difference
Developed in collaboration with people with developmental disabilities and families, direct support workers and managers. This book guides a Learning Journey that supports action-learning about relationship building, planning with people in a person-centered way, supporting choice, & building community inclusion.
The following videos bring to life the role of DSPs as artists collaboratively designing inclusive communities.
The work of Direct Support Professionals (DSP) as artists in supporting change.
Make A Difference explores the vital and valauable role Direct Support Professionals (DSP) have through their relationship with the people they support.
The New York State Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) engage with Beth in "Everyday Heroes" lifting up the people engaging in life changing relationships of support